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Technical Stock Screener - Bullish / Bearish Divergence

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Relative Strength Index (RSI) Bullish Divergence 14 3
Relative Strength Index (RSI) Bearish Divergence 2 7
Williams' Percentage Range (W%R) Bullish Divergence 37 13
Williams' Percentage Range (W%R) Bearish Divergence 10 35
Lane's Stochastic (%D-Slow) Bullish Divergence 46 10
Lane's Stochastic (%D-Slow) Bearish Divergence 36 34
Moving Avg. Converg./Diverg. (MACD) Bullish Divergence 45 9
Moving Avg. Converg./Diverg. (MACD) Bearish Divergence 24 43

Bullish and Bearish Divergence

Bearish Divergence Bullish and bearish divergences are important technical signals that indicate a potential change in the direction of the market price. They are closely related to stochastic oscillators and momentum technical indicators, which measure the speed and strength of the price movement. Divergences occur when the market price and the technical indicators diverge from each other, meaning that they move in opposite directions. Bullish divergence signals that the downward trend is losing momentum and may reverse to an upward trend, while bearish divergence signals that the upward trend is losing momentum and may reverse to a downward trend.
The Technical Stock Screener – Bullish / Bearish Divergence page provides a list of stocks/ETFs that have formed bullish or bearish divergence for various stochastic oscillators and momentum technical indicators, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI), Williams %R Range, Lane’s Stochastic, and Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) in daily and weekly time frames. These indicators can help traders identify the best entry and exit points for their trades based on the divergence signals.
Bullish and Bearish Divergence Tutorial
Warning: presents weekly analysis. Technical indicators and trend parameters are calculated for the close of business day indicated on the top right corner of the screen.